Top Herbal Ingredients for Natural and Sustainable Cosmetics in 2025
In 2023, the trend of using herbal cosmetic ingredients became increasingly popular, particularly those that are safe, natural, and sustainable. Below are some trending herbal ingredients that are frequently searched and used in cosmetic production: Prominent Cosmetic Ingredients: Rosemary Oil Function: Supports hair growth, improves blood circulation on the scalp,
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Potential of licorice extract (GutGard) in supporting the treatment of gastric ulcers
GutGard (Standardized licorice extract) is effective in supporting the treatment of stomach ulcers by reducing bacterial density by up to 48%, the effect increases to 70% when used at a double dose. Reduces symptoms of discomfort caused by stomach ulcers, anti-reflux effect equivalent to Multilum-M without causing edema or hypotension.
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5 effects of Saw palmetto extract you should know!
Saw palmetto, also known as saw palmetto extract, is an ingredient extracted from the berries of the Serenoa repens saw palmetto tree. Saw palmetto is a wild crop native to remote areas of the southeastern United States. Saw palmetto has also been found to have many important effects related to
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What is the effective way to enhance female physiology?
In ancient times, people were often afraid to talk or discuss sex. Modern life today, concepts about lifestyle and morality, are much more open. Social opinion has also openly acknowledged that sex is an extremely important factor that helps maintain the happiness of each family. Along with the openness of
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Trend of kombucha fermented tea production in summer 2023
Kombucha fermented tea is a beverage made from black or green tea and kombucha yeast. Kombucha yeast is a mixture of bacteria and natural yeast, created by fermenting sugar and tea for a certain period of time. What is kombucha fermented tea? To make kombucha, black or green tea is
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Tamarind fruit extract prevents skin aging thanks to its high antioxidant capacity
As we know, free radicals are unstable, highly oxidizing chemicals formed by cellular entities of various tissues. Increased production of these species of free radicals without proper effective functioning of the endogenous and exogenous antioxidant system creates a state of oxidative stress, potentially causing skin disorders prolonged due to functional
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A duo of ingredients to produce drinks that support uric acid lowering
Gout is a form of arthritis that appears when serum urate salt levels accumulate at high concentrations, expressed as uric acid levels in blood tests exceeding the threshold. Gout is manifested by signs of swelling, heat, redness, and severe pain in the joints. The current treatment regimen is a combination
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IMC produces pills from algae Nannochloropsis.sp
Nannochloropsis algae is a small unicellular algae, belonging to the Eustigmatophyceae family. They are commonly found in saltwater and freshwater environments worldwide. Due to its high nutritional value, especially the unsaturated fatty acid content EPA, scientific evidence shows the benefits of Nannochloropsis in life, which demands application in the fields
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Fibraurea recisa
1. History Fibraurea recisa belongs to Menispermaceae family. It is a woody, climbing plant found growing wild in the mountain areas of Burma, China and Vietnam. 2. Definition & uses 2.1 Parts used: The dear old tobacco and dried roots of trees 2.2 Chemical composition: Alkaloids (3%), mainly from 1
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Atractylodes macrocephala
1. History Awarded the title as the first herb of invigorating Qi and strengthening spleen, no doubt Bai Zhu (Atractylodes macrocephala) lives up to that reputation thanks for its consistent performance. Given its special effect in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is treated as an equal to Ren Shen (Ginseng).
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Homalomena aromatica
1. History Homalomena aromatica Schott. belongs to the family Araceae is a rhizomatous aromatic perennial herb and found mainly in subtropical humid climates of Central America and Asia. 2. Definition & uses 2.1 Chemical composition The aromatic rhizomes of Homalomena aromatica contain an essential oil used for blending most of
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Perna viridis (Green mussel)
1. History The green mussel is originally from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, and were first found in the western hemisphere in waters surrounding the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1990 and then later along the nearby coast of Venezuela in 1993. The first known occurrence of the green mussel
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