
Happy Vietnamese Women’s Day 20/10

Happy Vietnamese Women's Day 20/10

Every year, on 20th October – Vietnamese Women’s Day becomes the day that IMC’s staff, especially women, receives gifts from the company along with best, sincerest wishes, and fresh flowers from the Board of Directors.

IMG_6769On this occasion, we also organize small and warm parties as well as fun and healthy sports activities for women.

This year, internal activities that took place in the factories across the system brought many joyful and memorable moments. That was heavenly moments! The lovely performances of the IMC brothers, a lot of beautiful pictures bring back happy memories…

More specifically, the gift is a set of hair and body care products that are researched and produced at IMC Company. Hope they will get the staff’s interest and favorite.

Once again, we wish all women – an important half of the world have a wonderful 20th October day. All best wishes on Vietnamese Women’s Day for you. Keep shining and smiling always.


